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What is Fat Grafting and How Can it Restore Volume to My Face?

Fat grafting is a cosmetic facial rejuvenation procedure used to increase volume to the face and cheeks, lifting up the deflated and sagging skin that can occur on your face as you age. Fat grafting is also used to fill in hollowness around the eyes, straighten the jawline and can even help to improve the appearance of deep acne scars. The result is a restored, youthful and naturally looking contour to your face.

Fat grafting involves 2 procedures: first the fat is harvested from one part of your body, (the surgeon takes fat from an area like the hips, belly or thighs) which is purified and prepared for transfer. The fat is injected into those areas of concern to restore volume to your face.

While fat injections share some similarities with temporary dermal filler injections, it’s important to understand that these are not interchangeable procedures. In most cases, a patient who has fat injections will have different needs than a patient who goes with dermal fillers.

Dr. Bradley Robertson performs facial grafting at Belcara Health. He is a leader in facial surgery and is known among his patients and colleagues for his surgical artistry and attention to detail. Dr. Robertson listens carefully to his patients concerns and offers the most caring guidance to enhancing their facial rejuvenation.

To find out more about fat grafting, click here or schedule a private consultation with Dr. Roberston. Please call 410.296.0414.

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