No matter what plastic surgery procedure you are considering, you may ask yourself whether there is a “best time” to have it done. Deciding to have plastic surgery is not like shopping for cars. There are no year-end clearance sales. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind when timing your procedure. Planning …
Dr. Michael Cohen was recently interviews on Fox45 about the rise of cosmetic surgery procedures among men. Watch the video to learn which procedures are most popular and why they are often performed. You may also be interested in learning more about from the other sections of our web site.
In Maryland, women from their 30s to their 60s have discovered that strict diets and rigorous exercise alone are not enough to attain their desired body shape. The combination of stress, genetics, and fast-paced lifestyles can result in a disproportionate distribution of fat on the body. These nuisance areas can affect anybody. Body contouring is …